One off Donations
Your donation today will mean we can give a woman and her child a safe place to live.
Regular Donations
Become a hero to our women. From just $1 a day you can help vulnerable women in South Sydney and the Eastern Suburbs take the next steps to a safe life.
Workplace Giving
Find out how you can do a pretax donation direct from your salary.
In Memorium Donation
Create a legacy for your loved one by collecting donations at their funeral.
Leave a Gift in Your Will
By leaving a bequest to Bayside Women’s Shelter, you make a powerful commitment that will change the future of local women for the better, for generations to come.
Donate Goods & Services
Can you donate goods or services to our Shelter? Get in contact and find out how we can work together.
Tax Deductible Donations
Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. Funds raised will be used to provide a safe space for vulnerable women and children.
Pledge Your Occasion
Gifts are wonderful, but the gift of a safe home is even better. Instead of gifts, ask your guests to make a donation to help our women and children in crisis.
Your donation is greatly appreciated. Use this QR Code or the Paypal links to make your donation today.
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